Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Pulling the Plug: Why 70s Kids Never Saw Voltes V and Mazinger Z again

I am part of this Facebook page that carries the name, Voltes V: Let's Volt In!!! (Sorry peeps, this is a closed group so even if I placed the link here, you might not be able to see it.) Judging from the name alone, it could easily be deduced that this is a gathering of people who, in the 70s, tuned in to the most powerful anime character of our childhood, Voltes V.

Wahahaha, I am sooo carbon-dating myself with this one.

Anyway, I regularly find pictures of Voltes V collectibles and stuff proudly being posted by members on this page, and they never really caught my attention - until recently.

Someone decided to post the question that remains a mystery to televiewers of the mecha robot generation up to now - who was responsible for the cancellation of the robot anime programs?

And just like that, the thread of comments to this particular post grew to enormous lengths with discussions that went from TV network policies to the political unrest of those times.


Before I go on to the conspiracy theories behind the sudden non-airing of cartoons featuring robots like Voltes V, Mazinger Z, Mekanda Robot, Daimos, Grendizer, etc. as mentioned in the thread, allow me to give a short backgrounder of events in the 70s during the heyday of these mecha robots on Philippine TV.

Every late weekday afternoon in the latter part of the 1970s, the streets of Manila would usually be devoid of children. That's because kids that time would run home to catch the 30-minute run of their favorite robots on TV.

Our heroes from way back. Clockwise from upper left: Mazinger Z, Voltes V,
Mekanda Robot, Daimos, and Grendizer (See links for photo sources)
In those precious minutes, children of my time would be transported to alternate planes where oppression would've reigned if not for heroes in the form of gigantic robots who defended their respective worlds from alien invaders. It was not just the fight scenes that kept us glued to the television series - it was the engaging storylines about the robots' human creators and pilots. Particularly memorable was the underlying theme about family ties in Voltes V, the Romeo-Juliet-like story in Daimos, and the valiant endeavors of the characters in Mekanda Robot, Grendizer, and Mazinger Z. Oh, and there was also Aphrodite A and her "boob," er, photon missiles, hahaha. (They shoot out from her chest. How else would you call them?)

Mecha chick Aphrodite A from the Mazinger Z cartoon and her
"boob-missiles." (Photo from GeekAlerts.com)
Most popular of the cartoon anime robots was Voltes V whose story had several layers of sub-plots. That time, the series was already at its climax when suddenly, GMA 7 stopped running the remaining five episodes. Such was also the case with the other kickass robots. Instead of our favorite mecha robots, what we found airing on their timeslot were curly-haired weepy cartoon girls with repeating names like Candy Candy and Ron Ron the Flower Angel.

And we kids were left with mouths agape.


Being a child in the 70s, I was never really bothered by all that tension caused by what the adults called Martial Law. However, my earliest recollection of childhood in those days was when then-President Ferdinand Marcos would go on live on TV, essentially disrupting whatever program there was that we were watching. Of course, I would immediately complain as any kid of toddler age would. However, I'd be shushed by my mom and told that I'm not supposed to say bad things about Marcos unless I want policemen ramming through our front door. And thus, TV time was relatively quiet and complaint-free unless my dad changed channels to basketball.

Kiddie TV time went on overdrive with the advent of the mecha robots during the mid-70s. I remember running into the streets with the neighborhood kids after our afternoon date with our favorite robots then making all those karate moves complete with the "Voltes Five-ah!!!" battlecry, We'd be comparing notes on who was the more badass robot. Most of my playmates were Voltes V fans. The girls swooned over the star-crossed lovers in Daimos. As for me, I was a Mazinger Z fan, primarily because I could draw his head. (Haha.) The Star Rangers, a precursor of the Power Rangers, was also another favorite of our neighborhood gang. We'd be mimicking their martial arts poses after crying out the name of our favorite ranger. Star 4 was my favorite then for the simple reason that she was the only female of the team.

Then one day, the robots left our TV screens. Just like that.

For the next few days, children at school and in the neighborhood were scratching their heads and asking what in the world happened to our favorite robots. Some were in denial and continued to wait for their robots to return. But then, all they found on TV were those weepy girls with big hair and glistening eyes.

After that, afternoons were never as animated as before.


The air was rife with speculation as to the real reason why our favorite mecha robots were never seen on mainstream TV again, especially since no one actually stepped up to give stunned and confused viewers a concrete explanation. The most widely-spread theories though concerned Malacanang's involvement in the issue.

Here are just some of the more popular theories behind the networks' pulling the plug on Voltes V, Mazinger Z, and their fellow robots:
  • Marcos ordered it because the shows were allegedly instilling violence among children. I grew up with that theory in my mind, especially when certain reports came out about children purportedly hitting each other and another kid allegedly getting injured from doing a flying kick. (Duh...a kid was also reported as critically hurt after jumping from a window a la Superman, but was the movie banned? Nah.)
  • Marcos ordered it after realizing that most of the storylines of these robot shows involved rising in rebellion or going against a force much stronger than the protagonists. The former strongman allegedly grew fearful that the lessons of these shows may stick to the minds of their viewers, thereby creating a potential uprising against his administration. Better to nip a mutiny at the bud, so they said.
  • This is a more recent theory. Marcos merely suggested to the network heads that these shows be banned for either of the above-mentioned reasons. It was the network heads who ordered the programs' death, based on the said suggestion by the former president. They were just too fearful of reprisals from the Marcos regime had they not acted on the president's suggestion.
One thing is sure, though: children from that era never forgot that day when they ("They," which could be either the Marcos administration, the TV networks, or both) pulled the plug on our beloved robots. Those with more resources managed to get copies of the last episodes of Voltes V straight from Japan. (How they were able to understand the undubbed tapes is something to be left to the imagination.) The rest of us had to wait several more years until GMA (the TV network, not the former president) finally aired the final episodes. By then, most of us were already new yuppies or fresh out of grad school. As for the other robots, I never knew how their respective stories ended. Neither did my playmates in Algeciras Street.


For all it was worth, the mecha robot era was so far among the best childhood memories I had. It primarily defined a generation of children who still knew how to run in the sun and play, unlike the present generation of kids who stay home and click on their gadgets for fun. It was a time when kids made the most out of a bad situation where movement and expression were curtailed due to the biddings of a paranoid regime. It was a time when all the heroes we ever needed apart from our respective parents came in the form of clunky metal with ninja moves.

And we all grew up fine, with no apparent residues from the "violence" that was supposedly implanted in our minds from watching these mecha robots in our youth.

Let me end this article with a picture of Aphrodite A -- just because.

(Photo from Boodyzina's Twitter account)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Much Ado about a Door Knob

It was around 8 last Thursday night when I requested my daughter to buy a can of tuna in vegetable oil from across the street since I wasn't feeling too well to go out. She didn't take long. I then remembered that our steamed rice supply was already low and might not be enough for everyone, including our pet cats. Thus, I requested her to go out again to buy steamed rice.

I was upstairs when I heard my mom and my daughter getting anxious. When I went down to check them out, I saw my daughter apparently at war with our main door's knob. No matter how much or how often she turned the knob, the door just wouldn't open.

I took over the door knob turning to find out what the problem was. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed that the locking mechanism which bolts the door was no longer moving in sync with the turning of the knob. No amount of door knob turning was making the locking mechanism budge. I attempted to reach the "tongue" of the locking mechanism - that component which inserts itself into the adjacent hole on the side of the wall - with a butter knife in the hope of prying it back into the main body of the door knob, but the knife could barely make it through the very narrow space between the door side and the wall.

So after around 15 minutes of frustrating myself with my thousand-and-one attempts at trying to open our door to no avail, it finally dawned on me that my whole family and I were locked in our own home with only the second-floor window as our means of "escape."

Since I can't go out, I figured that someone from outside may be able to help us with our predicament. Thus, I called Cyrus, my former office mate who lives relatively nearby, for help. When he arrived, the first hurdle was to enter our gate which my daughter clamped shut with our combination padlock. We were already masters at just feeling through the small bumps of that padlock even in the dark so we had no trouble opening it. However, for a combination lock newbie like Cyrus, it took a while for him to get it right - but he did get it right and managed to open the gate.

The next hurdle was the door itself. I was thinking that if someone from outside turned the door handle, the door would just open smoothly. But noooo - it still didn't budge.

Next, I gave Cyrus the key to our main door in the hope that in turning the key, something may just click and the door will open. Nope, still no success.

Cyrus was getting just as desperate as I was, so he tried something a little more physical - he kicked on the door knob. Nope. Still nada.

Knowing that all our efforts were going to waste, Cyrus then left momentarily, first, to look for a locksmith. However, it was already around 10 PM and the locksmith at the corner has already left for home. He did the next best thing - to call the local barangay tanods (community security officers) for help. They did come to assess the issue. However, since it was already very late and very dark, we all decided to just let things be until morning the next day.

One of the tanods did return by morning, this time, with a ladder, a screwdriver, and a hammer. He had to climb the ladder to enter our house via our second floor patio, then he gave our door knob the death blow with several jabs of his screwdriver and some pummeling with his hammer.

Manong Barangay Tanod just took off the handle and was unscrewing
some screws. (Photo from personal archive)
By the time he was done with his task, this is what remained of our door. Thank God, we still have some remaining bolts left to fasten it shut from the inside.

Our knobless door. (Photo from personal archive)
And this was the culprit of all our troubles.

How could such a contraption be such a bother? (Photo from personal
I remember some wise sage saying that everything happens for a reason, I guess that apart from pissing me off with that door knob fiasco, that incident led me to reflect on some realizations about life:

  • No matter how sturdy some things look, they can turn out to be big duds in the end.
  • It could've turned out worse. The daughter could've been locked out, especially since she was the last one to use the main door. We may have been locked in but at least, everyone was already inside when it happened. We could've also been locked in without any supplies. The steamed rice supply which the daughter was supposed to replenish turned out to be enough for everyone including the cats, after all.
  • I don't rue the fact that there's no male in our house. I still have male friends and neighbors who can help me out with the more brawny stuff at home.
  • Thank God for good friends. (Yo, Cyrus!)
  • Security should be of prime importance in every home.
  • When a builder cuts corners in the construction of anything, sooner or later (probably sooner), the repercussions of this false economy will make themselves felt - like locking people in.
Several days ago, I bought a replacement door knob, this time, with the locking thingie that you turn instead of the push-button type. The sales lady said that this one has lesser chances of committing the problem we encountered with the push button one. She gave me this explanation about a spring letting go and stuff, but anyway, this basically summarizes what she recommended, especially for a main door:

(From HappyHerald.com and Buzzle.com)
The new door knob has just been installed yesterday, virtually ending our domestic drama featuring our main door. It's much easier to sleep at night now, content with the thought that no outsider could just trespass with a crowbar and industrial-strength wire cutters.

To my paranoid self, once again, you have been shushed.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ballistics in the Workplace: A Lesson in Leadership

Office ballistics. (Photo from BusinessNewsDaily.com)
Yesterday afternoon, a woman bringing a laptop with her walked into our office. She headed straight
toward our IT support officer and deposited the laptop with him. Not immediately finding the charger of the laptop inside the laptop bag, our officer asked the woman where the charger was. Without even trying to help our officer in finding the missing charger, she immediately whipped out her mobile phone and called someone. Her voice was cold and monotonous as she talked to the person on the other line - apparently a subordinate of hers. All of us in our department were within hearing range as she berated the person she was talking to for forgetting to pack the charger in the bag, spitting venom in that cold, dry voice of hers. She excused herself from us then stepped out of our office, leaving all of us with mouths agape.

After asking our support officer about her identity, I found out that she was an account manager for one of our laptop service providers. Turns out that he had one of our office laptops returned to them several weeks ago for repair, and the said laptop was returned to us only now. He added that this particular service provider has a habit of rendering very slow service.

Our support people were still explaining to me what happened to that laptop and who that lady was when one of them shushed us. From our first floor lobby, we could actually hear a woman openly scolding someone at the top of her voice. We could hear her from three floors away - imagine that! The same support guy who shushed us whispered, "Ma'am, that was the girl who just came over."

I then told our support team never to make any transactions with this woman and her company anymore.


Our supervisor asked me why her actions in our office would make me come to such a decision to break any business ties we have with that woman's company which is one of our IT equipment suppliers. Here is my explanation. You have a boss with a crappy attitude lording over an office. Thus, the tendency is for her subordinates to have low morale. Low morale could translate to the following:

  • SLOW AND UNSATISFACTORY WORK OUTPUT. Deadlines and quality of work will no longer mean anything to an employee who initially tries to make the cut by painstakingly doing tasks on time, and yet is received with negativity and/or total lack of appreciation by the boss.
  • FAST EMPLOYEE TURNOVER. Unless an employee has a masochistic streak, he/she will not be able to tolerate the stressful conditions in the office under that kind of leadership. The office will always be going back to Square One with each new hire when the more experienced and more knowledgeable employees resign from the toxic work environment.
  • DISAPPOINTING CUSTOMER SERVICE. You have a new hire taking on your issue. Poor kid barely knows the ins and outs of what he/she should be doing to resolve your issue. Then there is the added stress of that oh-shit moment when the kid does make a mistake and his/her boss publicly shames him/her. How can any sane person perform well under those circumstances? At the end of the day, it's not only the employee who gets affected by all the negativity. Even the client suffers, being at the receiving end of less-than-impeccable service provided by the hapless employee.
This woman did not have the decency to hide her crappy attitude while visiting a client. So what does that say about her as a leader? On the macro level, what does that say about the company she is part of?

Personally speaking, a company that keeps people like her with no regard for human dignity and corporate team building is a company that gives little or no value at all to its manpower.

If I were this woman's boss and I found out about this incident, she'd be out of the door before she could say, "F*#k you!"


I've had my share of crappy bosses before, and I know how it feels to be degraded and deprived of any respect in the office. I also know how it is to wake up every weekday morning feeling as if a boulder is bearing down on you as you prepare for work. Trust me when I say that this is not the best feeling in the world. My only initiative during those dark days was the fact that I needed my job to keep my family alive - nothing more, nothing less.

Despite my unfortunate corporate experiences, I am still grateful for having lived through them. These taught me one solid concept -- that more than the clients, more than the business reputation, more than the income, the biggest asset an organization has is its people. This is the reason why before anything else, a company must first see to the needs, aspirations, and goals of the people within because the talents, skills, and ingenuity they possess are its treasures.

A company with happy employees is a company who will have the empathy, knowledge, and skill sets that can be used to serve their clients well. It is these same characteristics that will attract potential customers because as a leader of the organization, you armed your employees with positive traits that will shine through in every transaction or deal they make.

Now that I was also given the task to manage a team, I could only thank my former toxic employers for the experiences I had under them because I definitely am not emulating any of them, haha. I'd like to think that I am doing well...so far.


By the way, there is a postscript to that incident with the "Screaming Lady." We knew she left our building already when the shouting downstairs died down. Our support officer who received the repaired laptop went back to going through the laptop bag's contents. He then felt a bulge on the bag's front pocket. Just as he was taking out the no-longer-lost laptop charger from the front pocket, his mobile phone suddenly rang. It was that woman. She called to request our support officer to check the front pocket of the laptop bag to see if the charger was there - which he already did. He confirmed the finding of the charger, thanked the woman, got off the phone, and let out a hearty "tsk, tsk, tsk."

Gee, all those ballistics spewed at random directions just for nothing.

We definitely aren't doing any business at all with this woman and her company in the future.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Fifty Shades of Madness in the Philippines

The book. (Photo from TheGuardian.com)
Note: This writer has not yet seen the movie, but has read the book. All the books of the series, for that matter. Thus, allow me to emphasize that this is not a review of the movie. It's something much more.


As of this very moment, the movie adaptation of the outrageously popular book, Fifty Shades of Grey, is raking in the big bucks on local shores in this season of hearts and motel bookings.

Some will say that they are watching/have watched the movie out of curiosity, especially with the PR blitz surrounding both the books and their cinematic counterparts.

Others will note that they're just jumping on the immense Fifty Shades bandwagon. After all, it is the "in" movie of the season.

Still others (the male population primarily) will complain that they were just dragged to the movie theater by their respective significant others or barkada (group of buddies) who are rabid Fifty Shades fans.

Then there are those who take the more pa-intellectual route and note that their interest in the movie is merely to create a comparative analysis of the presentation and discourse of sexual domination in cinema vis-a-vis the literary counterparts.

Enraptured. (Photo from DailyMail.co.ok)
C'mon, peeps. Why do we REALLY want to watch Fifty Shades?

Because of the sex scenes, of course!

Those who already watched the movie which debuted in Philippine cinemas (except for the SM movie theaters) last February 11 will probably give you mixed feedback regarding their experiences in watching the movie. The biggest letdown, of course, came in the form of those black blobs that conspicuously showed up on the main characters' private parts during steamy scenes. Quite frustrating, considering that the movie was already given an R-18 rating. Seriously, people 18 years old and up have already seen what has been covered in the movie, at least, in front of a mirror. That's why I don't get the black blobs despite the R-18 rating.

Unfortunately, it was the film's producer, Columbia Pictures, who inserted the blurs and blobs in the hope that a lower rating can be generated from the local movie review board --- an R-16 at least. A rating lower than R-18 means that the film can be allowed to run in SM Mall-owned movie houses. SM Malls, incidentally, have the most number of movie theaters scattered across the country. Despite all efforts, the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) still went for an R-18 rating despite the blurs and blobs, and the film's chances of being run in any SM Mall went kaput.

However, apparently the SM Mall non-showing is no longer an issue. All the other cinemas are now showing Fifty Shades, and they're benefiting big time from it. (Hahaha, this time, you've been PWND, SM.)


The story itself is not exactly unique. Quite frankly, I read Mills and Boons books with better plots. My friend, Mignonette, gave me among the best critiques I ever heard about the book: some books, when you finish, you'd love to read again. Fifty Shades isn't one of those books - unless you already bookmarked the sex scenes for those lonely nights when you only have your own hands for company.

Author of the Fifty Shades trilogy, EL James. (Photo from 
You do have to hand it to Fifty Shades author, EL James, for boldly using the taboo concept of S&M (sadomasochism) and integrating it into a typical obnoxiously-rich-and-hot-guy-falls-for-mousy-girl-next-door story. The uncanny mix, despite the corny lines and the apparent lack of research into the real world of BDSM (Those with that kind of fetish are up in arms over EL James' depiction of the deed), turned into an instant hit among women across the world who have never in their dreams thought of reading porn in public until now.

Hollywood just couldn't resist the pull of a potential money earner in Fifty Shades. And they were right. The same women who engaged in reading this so-called "mommy porn" are now falling in line at the theaters, and those too lazy to read now have the chance to find out what the buzz was all about.

Never mind how the actors in the movie were apparently panting and sighing their lines all throughout the movie (I'm just basing this statement on the trailers). They could've casted Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey to play Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele respectively, but the droves of fans would still come to watch the movie.


Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson as Christian Grey and
Anastasia Steele respectively. (Photo from MarieClaire.co.uk)
In the office, on the streets, online...the common question one would hear is, "Kailan tayo manonood ng Fifty Shades (When are we watching Fifty Shades)?" Even my girl gang from elementary days is marking this on their calendars and setting the sked for our Fifty Shades movie date.

If ever our movie date does push through (As of last FB private messaging, chances of our movie date turning into a dinner date are getting higher, haha), I'm just going to watch it to see how much of the film stayed true to the book, and how the steamy scenes will be executed without going too hardcore. (Erotica-induced imagination can be quite graphic, you know.)

Last I heard from the reviews, the movie ditched the annoying "inner goddess" schtick of Anastasia, thank God! I know that was supposed to be Ana's ego given a place of importance in the book but for goodness' sake, it was utterly annoying!

I'm also wondering if the scene where Christian still has sex with Ana despite her having her period makes it to the movie. That part must be one of the messiest love scenes if ever it did make the cut.

And yes, once again, those blobs of blur.

Well, blobs of blur or not, these apparently aren't stopping the Filipino Fifty Shades fans from trooping to the non-SM movie theaters to have their fill of Christian Grey and Ana Steele in various degrees of undress and positioning.

Yes, Mr. Grey, we will see you now.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Cubao Expo Adventure: 360 Degrees of Cuteness in My Breathing Space

Welcome to Boho Heaven! (Photo from AITSalimbay.wordpress.com)
So here I was just walking off the beaten path in Cubao when I chanced upon an area that I haven't visited in years. The place used to be a dusty center called the Marikina Shoe Expo but sometime during the turn of the millennium, it was transformed into a Boho hub with quaint little shops of curios, collectibles, and vintage stuff; comfy and affordable eating/drinking nooks; and since it was a shoe place before, it retained some of the old shoe stores with products hailing from Marikina.

Even its name underwent a minor transformation to complement its actual location -- the Cubao Expo.

It was early evening, and Cubao Expo was bathed in mellow light. I passed several small restos hoping for a quick bite before going home when this shop literally called my attention:

My Breathing Space Collectibles and Gifts, where having an eyeful is an
understatement. (Photo from personal archive)
The display window was just teeming with the cutest stuff ever assembled in front of any display window I have ever seen!

That night, I just parted with a relatively big sum of money so my budget was already teetering on the red side. However, it was not everyday that I could visit the area so my curiosity urged me to enter this shop.

Lo and behold! An eyeful of nifty treasures literally greeted me as I stepped inside. I was still trying to digest the cuteness overload of the place when my head panned to a corner near the window. And there it was: a whole section dedicated to my favorite predator, the cat!

I finks I just dieded and went to Kitteh Heavun! (Photo from personal archive)
Something tiny and shiny caught my eye - a small note holder in the shape of a black cat. I asked the friendly store assistant how much it was and I was surprised to find out that it was worth a reasonable P150. Despite my tight budget, I just HAD to purchase it.

And now, my new acquisition stands among my other cat collectibles on my office desk.

I iz da nu meow on da block, er, deskz. (Photo from personal archive)
While paying for my black cat with the rhinestone eye, I got into a pleasant chat with the cashier who, I realized after a while, was actually the owner of the place. Introducing the proprietor of My Breathing Space Collectibles and Gifts, Mr. Gard Calub!

The blogger with the owner himself, Mr. Gard Calub. Calub is the one on the
left, in case anyone asks. (Photo from personal archive)
Who would have thought that someone with a background in science (The man is a full-fledged chemist, mind you!) would end up putting together this menagerie of items and opening a shop as lovely as My Breathing Space? Gard would only laugh at what the Fates have brought him and say, "It's my passion. You just got to have passion to get into something like this."

Even the ceiling is adorned with various mugs and chimes. (Photo from
personal archive)
During our chat, Gard related that he started out as a hobbyist, collecting stuff like figurines, posters,
pins, and other small items. This hobby slowly grew on him as he became more aggressive in finding hard-to-find collectibles. When he already had enough to fill a store, he opened My Breathing Space. And Cubao Expo is probably the perfect spot in the city to open a shop such as this!

It's amazing how Gard managed to maximize every bit of space in this shop with strategically placed items. The curious visitor like me will be pleased to see a certain space dedicated to a specific theme - just like the cat section.

Of course, if there are cats, there also must be dogs.

Woof! We haz our cornur too. (Photo from personal archive)
Then there are owls...

Hoo...wants to bring us home? (Photo from personal archive)
And Harry Potter takes his spot among the small breakables and timepieces.

No horcruxes here; just Harry. (Photo from personal archive)
Gard's Coca Cola vintage collection is epic!

(Photo from personal archive)
(Photo from personal archive)
The observant visitor will notice that many of Gard's collections, especially the more fragile and rarer ones, are elegantly and thoughtfully displayed in glass cabinets like these. 

Not for touching - unless sold. (Photo from personal archives)
I was not able to ask Gard why he named his shop, My Breathing Space. I could only surmise that despite the shop being filled to the hilt with attractive and delicate stuff, these same items never fail to put a smile on every visitor's face. One is guaranteed to find an item he/she will fall in love with among his menagerie, and even if the visitor does not manage to purchase anything, he will leave My Breathing Space with positive vibes. Positive vibes = symbolic space to breathe and relax. My Breathing Space. Legit? Legit.

So next time when you are in the Cubao area, veer away from the malls and get lost in Cubao Expo. And if you need an extra pick-me-upper, be surrounded by 360 degrees of cuteness and visit My Breathing Space.

It's a high like no other.


Note: I would like to thank Gard Calub for allowing me to take pictures inside his beautiful shop of collectibles and other nice stuff. This is the kind of trust he does not usually bestow on others after an unfortunate past encounter inside the shop several years ago. Once again, thank you.

Friday, January 30, 2015

The Justice We Owe Our Fallen Heroes

Blogger's note: I am interrupting my series on the recent papal visit to write about a very pressing issue involving war-torn Mindanao. I am writing this out of anger and frustration that such an encounter could happen in the middle of discussions for the drafting of a peace accord in Muslim Mindanao. I am also writing this as a tribute to the 44 slain members of the Special Action Forces (SAF) of the Philippine National Police (PNP) whose deaths serve as a grim reminder of the fragile status of moves aimed at laying the groundwork for peace in the area. May their ultimate sacrifice serve not as the impetus for an all-out war in Muslim Mindanao but as a reason to further push for long-lasting peace.


Caskets containing the slain members of the PNP-SAF unit arrive in the 
Villamor Air Base. (Photo from Inquirer,net)
By now, the Internet is a-buzz with news about the failed military/police operation in Mamasapano, Maguindanao.

For those still in the dark regarding this incident, allow me to provide a summary of events:

- There are three parties involved here: the members of the PNP-SAF; the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and its breakaway faction, the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF), and two high-profile Malaysian terrorists with huge bounties on their heads.

- According to the plan, the SAF unit was to arrest the two terrorists in an area supposedly marked as MILF territory. Apparently, the MILF present there did not get the memo and proceeded to fire on the police officers "in self defense."

- Early into the encounter, the SAF troopers were requesting for military backup as they saw that they were slowly being overwhelmed by their enemies. Their military counterparts did not take the call seriously since as far as they knew, a ceasefire was in effect in the area. By the time military backup did arrive, the troopers were already falling down like flies.

- The SAF troopers got cornered in a cornfield by a river which did not offer much shelter from sniper fire. They were virtual sitting ducks being plucked one by one by the Muslim rebels. When the smoke finally cleared and their bodies were strewn all over the field, they were even divested of personal valuables and firearms.

- Meanwhile, as of this writing, it is still not sure whether the SAF unit's original targets were killed in gun battle or not. The Muslim camp says that they are still alive. Government intelligence sources, however, note that Marwan - the more prominent terrorist between the two - has been killed. Until a DNA sampling and confirmation is made can we be sure of his continued existence or death.


For as long as I can remember, clashes with forces from the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), MILF, and all of their other factions have become commonplace already. Government attempts to put a stop to the war by offering its hand in peace, only to be bitten by a breakaway faction with a new set of demands. It has happened time and again, with no apparent resolution in sight.

That is, until recently when the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) was drafted after a series of power sessions with numerous representatives of Mindanao Muslim groups.

While the said law is still being deliberated on, both parties agreed to the cessation of hostilities.

The ceasefire is probably what set the operation for the arrest of the two Malaysian terrorists in motion.

Unfortunately, even in this supposed ceasefire, there are simply those who do not want an end to the war. These people are making a living out of this war through gun-running and terrorism, then they mouth words from the Koran to justify their thirst for power, money, and blood.

What better way to sabotage this ceasefire than by literally pulverizing an entire battalion of police forces then saying that they only did it because they felt that they were being "invaded" in their territory?

This particular trait of some Muslim factions is what prevents me from fully blaming their side for the deaths of the 44 SAF troopers.

It should already be a given that one cannot simply trust some of our Muslim brothers to keep their word.


So once again, we ask the question: who really is to blame for what Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Mar Roxas now calls a "misencounter" in Mamasapano, Maguindanao?

One only has to follow the hierarchy of the chain of command in the PNP and Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for an idea.

It is bad enough that the commander-in-chief himself was privy to the conduct of these operations.

Sacked PNP Director General Alan Purisima (L) and Pres. Noynoy Aquino (R)
in better times. (Photo from Rappler,com)
What's worse was that the said operation was being directly overseen by Pres. Aquino's most trusted ally, the controversial former PNP Director General Alan Purisima.

Purisima was sacked several months ago by Malacanang due to growing pressure from the public
borne out of reports of his allegedly unscrupulous amassed wealth.

Several police sources note that despite being relieved from office, Purisima was still made to oversee the operation, Had it turned out to be successful and the fugitives brought to justice or killed in battle, that would make for a whopper of pogi points for the embattled general.

This was also the probable reason why several other government personalities like Roxas and the OIC PNP Chief Leonardo Espina were not let in on the nuances of the operation. There was the danger of them "stealing the thunder," so to say, from Purisima.

So...that's it, then. All these deaths for the sake of making an Aquino ally's name palatable to the public again.

Talk about an epic PR fail.


And it seems that the epic PR fails of the Aquino administration just keeps on piling up one over the other.

It took some time before the commander-in-chief faced a nation in shock over the slaughter in Mamasapano. And when he did face the public, it was to tell us hapless citizens that it was not his fault.

Then when the caskets bearing the fallen SAF troopers arrived in the Villamor Air Base yesterday, the commander-in-chief was not in sight. At all.

Soon, he turns up at an inauguration for a car plant in Laguna.

His spin doctors in Malacanang hastily grab the microphone to clarify that he is not snubbing the rites for the slain men, and that he was to appear at the necrological services in Camp Bagong Diwa.

When he does appear, he arrives late at the venue. As for providing empathy in the slain SAF troopers' families time of grief, he instead brings back the attention to himself and his trauma brought about by the death of his father.

In both instances, never did he mention any accountability on the side of government.

And once again, we find ourselves smacking our foreheads with another collective facepalm in the light of this bloody comedy of errors.


(Photo from Tempo.com.ph)
As for establishing long-lasting peace in Mindanao, can it still happen?

The nation is divided. One decides that there is no point discussing peace anymore with these Muslim groups whose words cannot be trusted. Furthermore, this sector believes that the only recourse now is to give them what they want -- an all-out war.

The other sector meanwhile believes that the ultimate sacrifice of the SAF unit in Mamasapano, Maguindanao will be all for naught if we do not press further on toward an agreement that would finally forge the foundation of lasting peace in Mindanao.

I tend to lean toward the latter. I simply cannot see any other option but to uphold peace in an area scarred by the ravages of war. It is easy to call out for war when one is just a spectator watching TV or surfing the Net from the comfort of his home. But given a situation where he, his family, and his friends are caught in the maelstrom of armed conflict, he might have a vastly different opinion.

Let me be clear, though, that this peace must come with conditions, considering that there are still armed groups in Mindanao who will definitely oppose this move. I cannot enumerate these conditions yet as I am still clueless myself on how to contain the traitors not just from among the Muslim ranks but from government's ranks as well. One condition does come to mind though - for whoever orchestrated this plan to lead a group of policemen to a virtual lion's den to be held accountable for these valiant men's deaths.

Let us see justice being served first before returning to the table to discuss peace.

This much, we owe to our fallen brothers in arms.

This much, we owe to the wives, parents, siblings, girlfriends, fiancees, and children they left behind.

Friday, January 23, 2015

The Papal Chronicles Philippine Edition: The Hugging Pope

If I was the security detail of Pope Francis, I'd probably die early from too much stress.

In the Philippines alone during his recent visit, imagine the number of times the good pontiff broke through the protective shielding of his men in black just to be near the eager pilgrims.

Just watching him on TV, I kept on imagining snipers hiding in one of the buildings along the papal route getting a good aim of Pope Francis as he passed by in his very open Popemobile. Hordes of bodyguards would simply be no match for a sniper's bullet aimed straight for the Pope's head.

Even with no potential snipers, the crowds could still be a source of pain. If only one of them decided to reach out, grab the Pope's hand while he and his bodyguards passed by in the Popemobile, and not let go, then we'd be having a Pope with a broken arm and a generous helping of disdain coming from the international community.

ROCK STAR. Pope Francis approaching the crowds upon his arrival at the
Mall of Asia Arena for his meeting with families. (Photo from
Yahoo News Philippines)

AMID A SEA OF YELLOW. Pope Francis greets pilgrims in Yolanda-
stricken Tacloban City despite the inclement weather. (Photo from Wikimedia)

See those crowds? And see how Pope Francis could have been an easy target?

I am just grateful that the Pope has a guardian angel with a shield the size of the Tacloban Astrodome to protect him from any ill-willed individual. Otherwise, we'd be having an international crisis in our hands.


Despite all the risks he was putting himself into, Pope Francis still made it a point to reach out to the people, especially to those who tirelessly lined the entire papal route and the various venues where his holy essence was shared.

And what better way to reach out to the Shepherd's flock in the Philippines than through the most calming and most sincere gesture of love and concern -- a hug!


Even before Pope Francis came to the Philippines, we already knew his penchant for breaking protocol and undoing frivolous traditions in the Vatican. Simplicity and humility were already touted as his strongest traits, having been born into a middle-income family in Argentina. He was most comfortable with the impoverished, and he allowed himself to be immersed into their world. Having seen the plight of the poor, and comparing it with some of the ostentatious trappings of life in the Vatican, he decided that he will have none of that Vatican frou-frou and instead, continue embodying the lessons he learned from his dealings with the have-nots.

Which is why even when he was here, Pope Francis insisted to wear the typical priest's black pants and shoes under his cassock instead of the recommended white pants and red loafers intended for pontiffs; why he wanted simple meals instead of gustatory feasts; why he wanted less of his face plastered on billboards and tarpaulins while doing the rounds in his visit; and why he wore the same yellow plastic raincoat being worn by attendees to the mass in Tacloban City and braved the rains with them.

He just could not get enough of being one with the people.


Going back to the papal hugs.

What is a hug, anyway? It is probably among the most positive, barrier-breaking gestures any person could offer to his fellowman. In giving a hug, one also receives a hug, and it allows for a sharing of warmth and fragility. It is the non-verbal way of saying, "This is just me, nothing more, nothing less, and I am offering what I am to you."

This pope is very generous with his hugs, much to the consternation of his security people and the Vatican conservatives.

After all, we do know that Pope Francis is the Vicar of Christ, the successor of St. Peter. How cool could it be to be locked in an affectionate bear hug with this holy man?

Apparently, after his visit to our country, many Filipinos already know what that feeling is.

It must be as if you're embracing Jesus Christ Himself.


Probably the first Filipino personality to benefit from Pope Francis' propensity for hugging was Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle. Archbishop Tagle encountered the Pontiff in Rome during a meeting in Vatican that was scheduled a few days just after Super Typhoon Yolanda struck Central Philippines. They were already friends even before Yolanda and his rise to the papacy happened, which is why the embrace between the two was one borne out of deep concern and a need to console an injured populace through its representative in the Church.

CONSOLING. Pope Francis embraces Arch. Luis
Antonio Tagle after the former learns of the
catastrophe brought about by Super Typhoon
Yolanda in the Philippines. (Photo from Rappler)

Then came the numerous hugs he gave during his actual visit, especially to the children.

WEEPING IS GOOD. Former street kids in the UST youth encounter.
(Photo from Yahoo News Philippines)

HUGS. "Can I hug you?" asked a former street kid who was among those visited
by Pope Francis at the halfway house, Tulay ng Kabataan.
(Photo from CBCP News)

GROUP HUG. Youth attendees in UST (Photo from Yahoo News Philippines)

WELCOME HUG. This little boy was among the first to get a hug and a kiss from
Pope Francis upon his arrival at the Villamor Air Base for his Philippine visit.
Pres. Noynoy Aquino looks on. (Photo from PhilStar.com)
Needless to say, the Pontiff was also very generous with his kisses to babies and children among the crowds.

Kissing in Luneta. (Photo from BBC)

Kissing in Malacanang Palace just before the Pope's meeting with the
President. (Photo from Yahoo News Philippines)

Kissing a child with special needs at the Mall
of Asia Arena
. (Photo from Yahoo News Philippines)

Kissing in the rain. (Photo from PhilStar.com)

Pope (now Saint) John Paul II, another charismatic pope, also had a penchant for kissing babies, but - correct me if I'm wrong - I never saw him giving away hugs as much as Pope Francis did.

Now, Pope Francis connected with his flock - and was not afraid to do so. I even heard stories about him sacking his former security detail because of their being too huffy-puffy over him, not allowing him the chance to come close to the people who came out to see him.


He may be as unorthodox as unorthodox can be, but perhaps Pope Francis is exactly the kind of pope the Roman Catholic Church needs. In an era where spirituality and moral ascendance is being set aside for the problems and trivialities of the modern world, he is showing to us that he - and the whole institution he is representing - is in the here and now. And he is sending that message in the simplest of terms possible so that it can be easily understood and taken to heart.

The message is still the same and remains pure - to love, as Jesus Christ taught us.

Thus, to continue spreading the Word, Pope Francis visits countries like Sri Lanka and the Philippines. He consoles survivors of tragedies. He holds masses in the rain before multitudes of people. He reaches out to the oppressed and weeps with them.

And he gives hugs.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Papal Chronicles Philippine Edition: Introduction

The Philippines, the nation with the biggest Roman Catholic population in Asia, was blessed over a span of five glorious days with the visit of a personality of our time, Pope Francis.

From January 15 to 19, 2015, we Filipinos became witnesses to a monstrous surge of spiritual renewal as only Pope Francis could make it. In this five-day period, the pontiff met with people from various walks of life from poor families to Yolanda survivors to the youth sector, and all were enthralled by him.

And, as it turned out, he was just as enthralled by us.


The following articles will not be as long as my previous ones on Yolanda (which, as of this writing, has yet to be concluded). 

The trouble nga naman about writing lengthy articles is the tendency to stop somewhere in the middle then trail off from there, essentially rendering the work incomplete.

Sayang naman (It would really be a pity) if I start rambling about this beautiful person who just visited Philippine shores, then discontinue what I started.

You will also notice that the next articles on the papal visit will not be in chronological order. After all, almost every source of news already laid out the Pope's schedule from Day 1 until he left so I don't need to revisit his schedule.

So there, let's get this thing started, and allow me to give you the Papal Chronicles Philippine Edition!